Domain Networking Solutions Fundamentals SR120 The goal of this course is to enable the student to describe HP's data communication offerings and to qualify prospects for communication needs. STUDENT PROFILE: CSO sales representatives, sales managers and PSO consultants focused on pre-sale workstation business. PREREQUISITES: SR122B Workstation Primer A score of 80% or better on SR122B Mastery Test represents satisfactory completion. Recommended reading: Apollo TECHnet (LDC #5952-0735) Domain TCP/IP (LDC #5952-0279) Apollo SNA (LDC #5952-0169) Apollo X.25 (LDC #5952-0026) Apollo's Communications Solutions (LDC #5952-0343) STUDENT PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: o Qualify prospects for communication needs, including: - file transfers - interactive terminal to remote applications - mail/message networks - executing an application on a remote host o Provide prospects with a description of HP data communications. COURSE OUTLINE: Unit 1: Local Area Networks Unit 2: Wide Area Networks Unit 3: IBM Communications Unit 4: Network File System Unit 5: Networking Computing System Unit 6: Network Standards (OSI) TESTING PROCESS: Self-Assessment Test included in the workbook. To access Mastery Test, send an HPDesk message: To: Fieldtest ADMIN Subject: SR120 A score of 80% or better represents satisfactory completion. FORMAT: Self-paced workbook LOCATION: Not applicable LENGTH: 8 hours EQUIPMENT: None CLASS SIZE: Not applicable ORDERING INFO: Heart I-2 order from Support Materials Organization (SMO/C200), Roseville, CA Part # A1642A-90003 QUESTIONS: Contact your CSO Sales Force Program Manager or Country Education Manager PROJECT MGR: Jim BelcherTelnet/408 436-5069 AVAILABILITY: 4/90 LANGUAGE: English